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Imagine your body is like a big city

The endocrine system is like the mail, delivering messages (hormones) everywhere to keep everything running smoothly. But what if someone started sending fake messages that looked real? This is what happens with chemicals called endocrine disruptors, found in things like synthetic fragrances and artificial colors in some of our favorite beauty and personal care products.

Chemicals like parabens and phthalates are sneaky. They pretend to be our body's natural hormones, causing confusion and leading to problems like messing up our growth, digestion, periods or even causing diseases like cancer.

Chemicals that cause cancer (carcinogens) are even scarier. These are ingredients, like formaldehyde and coal tar in some cosmetics, that can actually cause cancer. Imagine if the fake messages sent to the city told it to do things that could damage it forever. That's what carcinogens can do to our bodies.

Heavy metals like lead and arsenic might sneak into our makeup, like lipstick or eyeliner. Over time, these heavy metals can build up in our bodies and hurt our brains, making it hard to think or learn, similar to how too much trash in the city streets can cause problems for everyone living there.

Colors that are unsafe

Not all colors (colorants) are created equal. Some are made from things that aren't good for us or the planet.

Organic colorants
are like the bright and bold billboards in our cityscape, catching your eye with their vivid colors. Don’t be fooled by the word “organic” – it doesn't mean natural or related to organic farming. Instead, it means ingredients made from chemicals, usually from petroleum or coal-tar.

Organic Dyes

These are the water-soluble colors found in many products, labeled with "D&C" (Drugs & Cosmetics) or "FD&C" (Food, Drugs, & Cosmetics). However, their bright hues come with a dark side. They can be contaminated with heavy metals like lead and arsenic, posing risks of cancer, brain damage, and reproductive toxicity. It's like finding out those eye-catching billboards we compared colorants to are actually polluting the city air.

When buying makeup, watch for labels like FD&C + color + number, for example FD&C Yellow No. 5.

Organic Pigments

These oil-dispersible colors are a bit different. They're not soluble in water and tend to stay put better than dyes. Many of these pigments start off as FD&C dyes before being turned into pigments, which means they can carry similar risks.

The main pigments to watch out for: Orange 5 Lake (CI 45370), Red 6 Lake (CI 15850), Red 7 Lake (CI 15850), Red 21 Lake (CI 45380), Red 27 Lake (CI 45410), Red 30 Lake (CI 73360), Red 33 Lake (CI 17200), Blue 1 Lake (CI 42090), Yellow 5 Lake (CI 19140), Yellow 6 Lake (CI 15985).

Colors that are animal-derived

Some colors come from animals, like carmine, vibrant red pigment made from crushed beetles, or guanine, made from fish scales to add a shimmery, iridescent effect to cosmetics. While they might look pretty, thinking about where they come from is upsetting.

Colors that are mined by children

The sparkle in many eyeshadows and other products comes from mica, mined in conditions often involving child labor. While mica itself is considered safe, it's as if the city's glittering lights were made possible by hurting others, which isn't right. Synthetic alternatives offer a safe, ethical option.

The good news is there are lots of safe and kind options out there! Just like a city can choose to build in smart, safe ways that don't hurt anyone, we can choose beauty products that are safe for us and kinder to people and the planet. 

The bad news is other beauty stores care more about making money than any of this.

We’re saving this city

Like a superhero for your skin, we pick only the best stuff that's good for you and the planet. We're dedicated to keeping you safe with clean beauty products. Your decision to shop with us helps pave the way towards a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future. You’re the real superhero here.

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