Table Of Contents
Should kids have a skincare routine?
Misconceptions about skincare routines for kids
Building your child's skin care routine
Additional tips on maintaining healthy skin for your kid
Finding the right skincare products for your children
How To Create An Easy Daily Skincare Routine For Kids
Healthy skincare habits and routines aren't just done by TikTokers and influencers; they actually play an important role in our everyday lives. And that isn't just for adults; many kids have a skin care routine they follow, too.
From an early age, your child might start asking to use the same products and methods as the people they see online, and we understand you might be a bit unsure about whether you should let them. Not all skin care products will suit your kid, but that's why we've put together this guide to ensure you can make the perfect routine for them.
Let's get started!
Should kids have a skincare routine?
The first question many parents ask when their child asks to start cleansing, moisturizing, or even exfoliating their skin is whether they should have a routine like adults. Since they still have such sensitive skin at a young age, you don't want to put anything on it that might damage it or lead to unwanted breakouts like acne or eczema.
The simple answer is yes. It's a good idea to look after young skin with a simple routine. Not only does it help children understand the importance of self-care, but they'll also be practicing good skin health and protecting it from damage.
Misconceptions about skincare routines for kids
Another reason parents are so skeptical about exposing their children to various skincare products is that there are many misconceptions out there. Here are some of the most common ones:
Kids always have healthy skin
Many people believe that children haven't had enough time to develop bad skin since they are young. However, this isn't always true. While younger kids' skin is more likely to look overall smooth and clean, they can suffer from many common skin conditions. Some of these issues include dryness, eczema, and irritation.
Kids can use adult skincare products
If you're happy with your child having a skincare routine, you might think it's okay to let them use the same products as you. However, most of the products designed for adults have harsh ingredients that could cause dry skin or irritation in children. That's why it's always important to use specially formulated child-friendly products.
All natural products are safe
Even if someone doesn't use adult products on their kids, they might just believe that all-natural products are safe for children. While they are usually a more beneficial option, some natural ingredients can cause allergic reactions or sensitivities. It's always best to read the ingredients before purchasing a product, or ensuring it's dermatologist recommended.
Kids don't need sunscreen if indoors
As you'll see when we put together a child's skincare routine, sun protection is an important aspect. However, many parents skip this part if they know their kid isn't going outside that day. While they might not be in direct sunlight, it is still important to apply some form of SPF, as the sun's UV rays can still come in through glass and windows.
Skincare is only for girls
When children watch influencers online, they often only see women putting together skincare routines. However, it is just as important for boys as it is for girls. Even if your child is a boy, that doesn't mean he shouldn't look after his skin too, so you should consider introducing some hydrating and nourishing products into his daily life.
Building your child's skin care routine
You now know all the main facts about children and their skincare routines, so it's time for you to put together one for your own kid.
Any child-friendly skincare routine needs to start with a gentle cleanser. Whether it's with a face wash or face cleanser, the product is there to help remove any dirt and grime from under the skin without removing any of its natural oils.
When you or your child cleanses their skin, it's always best to opt for one that doesn't contain soap, as it's better for sensitive skin. You should then combine it with lukewarm water and then pat the skin dry gently after use.
Only cleanse the face once a day to prevent the risk of irritation.
Believe it or not, children's skin requires more hydration than our own, so you need to ensure they get into the daily routine of using a gentle moisturizer. This will help prevent common skin conditions, especially dryness.
When choosing the right moisturizer, you should look for one that works best with dry and sensitive skin unless your child needs to get rid of excess oil and acne. You should always ensure they apply their moisturizer straight after cleansing when the skin is slightly damp.
Focus on particularly dry areas of the skin, and repeat this process daily.
Sun protection
As we've mentioned, protecting your child's skin from the sun is incredibly important. This should always be the last part of their skincare routine in the morning before they head out for the day. We recommend using a broad spectrum SPF, which offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays.
Additional tips on maintaining healthy skin for your kid
It's all well and good putting together a child's skincare routine, but if they don't follow it correctly, they won't achieve the healthy skin they want. Here are some additional tips to achieve success:
Break the routine up into steps. Don't just tell your kid they need to do their skincare routine in the morning. Instead, just like if they were to brush their teeth, put on their shoes, etc., you need to break it into parts. Start by telling them to cleanse their face, then follow it with moisturizing and sunscreen.
Set a good example for your kid by having a skincare routine of your own. Children like to mimic behavior, so if they see you cleaning and moisturizing your face daily, they're much more likely to follow suit.
Teach your child about why they have a skincare routine. Educate them on the benefits of skin health and why each step, such as cleaning, is essential.
Turn it into something fun. Kids don't like chores, so don't make the skincare routine seem like one. Make it exciting by turning it into some type of game, such as how quickly they can finish their routine or telling little stories while they look after their faces.
Consistency is key. Don't just let them go through their routine one or two times a week. You need to stick to it every day to ensure it works to its fullest and it becomes a habit. Always make sure you praise your child for completing the routine each day, so they want to keep doing it.
Finding the right skincare products for your children
Since children shouldn't use the same skincare products as their parents, it might be a bit daunting trying to find child-friendly alternatives. Luckily, you have Popsicle Beauty Club on your side, a place that specializes in natural and organic skincare and cosmetics, especially for kids.
Every product at Popsicle Beauty Club has been verified as safe for kids, so you can browse through our entire selection knowing that your child's skin is in the best hands. Find the best skincare products for your kid today.